Saturday, October 8, 2011

Holy Cow

I can't believe it has been two years since I posted on here! I totally meant to keep this up better. There are presidential elections coming next year so I should be posting.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


'The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson wrote those words in a letter to William Smith in 1787. The letter its self is worth reading. Here I shall endeavor to water loving the tree of liberty with the figurative blood of tyrants and misguided souls who do so much harm under the umbrella of patriotism. It is an unavoidable tragedy that from time to time true patriots who are simply wrong will bleed on these pages. There will also be days when my blood shall stain the pages. So now you know the origin of the name. I will also be posting my personal works here. Poetry mainly and a story or two. Please, I both welcome and want your comments and questions. Since I will be posting inflammatory articles here I will not ask that you keep your comments civil. However please note that excessive cussing and abusive language will not be kept on here. Before you post something that is a swearing rant please take a moment to realize how a comment worded such a way reflects on it's author. Thank you and I look forward to your input and discussion.

Chaz Robertson

The Light

DAMN! this part of the river is way deeper than i thought it was. I can't believe I missed that turn, i have only driven this road a thousand times, must have nodded off. Shit, the seat belt is stuck and this thing is still sinking. Come on. Dear god let me go. Oh man Oh man, the car is almost full of water. Is that a give? Thank God the seat belt let go. I can't get the door open, i wanna scream but there is too much water. The windows always break in the movies how come i can't break mine? Kick harder, HARDER! Oh fuck i am not getting out of here. What is Mary going to do with a baby by herself? God i haven't seen my daughter yet! God get me out of here! My lungs are burning, they feel like they are trying to come out of my mouth and go find the oxygen themselves. I wonder if i am crying? You can't tell in all this water. Somebody lied about drowning it isn't peaceful, and I don't see a white light or my life, wait there there is the li.............